Thursday, February 3, 2011

Aatish Taseer’s ; Stranger to History: A Sons Journey through Islamic Lands

By Mariaana Babar for The News Pakistan

Aatish Taseer, the 29-year old son of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer, who is a journalist and lives in London, has written a book, a personal memoir, about his life story in which he has depicted his father in a manner that will shock and repel many of his Pakistani readers.

The book, titled “Stranger to History: A Son’s Journey through Islamic Lands”, is about to be launched in London in a week and in India a few weeks later. Indian magazine “Outlook” has acquired the rights to the book and as a gesture of friendly cooperation, the magazine has agreed to share their breaking story about the book with The News. The magazine will hit the stands in India on Friday.

Aatish has also been interviewed by the Outlook magazine, which says the book is ready to roll and Aatish is on the brink of entering a heady world of book launches and international book tours. It has been published by the Picador India.

According to the Outlook, the book is a fictional version of Aatish’s dramatic life story. Briefly, the story is this: “A short, intense relationship between a Pakistani politician, Salmaan Taseer, and an Indian journalist, Tavleen Singh, produces a child. As the relationship founders, the father (according to his son’s account) abandons the mother and the infant in London.

They move to Delhi, where the boy, Aatish, grows up in an elite Sikh family, but with an awareness of being ‘different’ because of his Muslim and Pakistani ancestry. “Twice in his childhood, he makes long-distance overtures to his father, but is rebuffed. In 2002, at the age of 21, he tries again, by simply landing up in Lahore, and meets with greater success. Salmaan’s political career has waned — the military rules; his party’s boss, Benazir Bhutto, is in exile — but he is, by now, a wealthy businessman and a media tycoon, with an elegant third wife and six other children.

“Relatives and family friends, who have known about Aatish for years, help him find a way into Salmaan’s life. So begins a father-son relationship that is, by no means, easy. And so dies a novel.

“There is this extraordinary story, but what does it mean? It’s not everybody else’s,î Aatish said, while looking back on his struggles five years ago to write that autobiographical novel.“Then came a turning point. In 2005, Aatish, now a journalist living in London, wrote for a UK magazine on the radicalisation of the British second-generation Pakistanis, making the unexceptionable liberal argument that it was linked to failures of identity on different fronts. Chuffed by his first cover story, he sent it to his father, to whom he now felt closer — and was shocked to receive a furious reply, accusing him, among other things, of blackening the family name by spreading ‘invidious anti-Muslim propaganda’.

“The accusations set off a storm of reactions in Aatish, from hurt and defensiveness to confusion and curiosity. How was his father, who (as he was to recount in his book) drank Scotch every evening, never fasted and prayed, even ate pork and once said: ‘It was only when I was in jail and all they gave me to read was the Quran…..(This portion of the text has been deleted as it was deemed unprintable.)

Defending his controversial decision to lay bare personal relationships and conversations, Aatish said it came from his conviction, after the letter incident, that “the personal circumstances contained a bigger story.” He, however, acknowledged that the writing of the book was also a way to overcome the despair he felt at having his relationship with his father suddenly run aground again — “a way to make my peace with that personal history.”

The memoir is a journalist’s engaging travelogue. But where the political and personal come together powerfully is in the last third part of the book, which finds Aatish in Pakistan among the Pakistanis.

Personal disappointment fuses with intellectual outrage in his searing final encounters with his father. And as a traveller trying to make sense of the broken pieces of his own ancestry, he takes political discoveries personally. He is wounded by reflexive anti-Indianism, which he encounters widely in Pakistan, and particularly among the youth.

The book quite clearly rejects the idea of Pakistan (while tacitly endorsing the idea of India), but Aatish still seems to be trying to keep the two. “I hope for this to be a book for Pakistan (though) I know that is a very naive thing to say—Neither with my father, nor with Pakistan, was it written to settle any scores. I hope that despite what looks like a bleak look at Pakistan, it is possible to see a genuine concern and affection for the place.”

The Outlook said the personal story of Aatish, meanwhile, had acquired new twists. Salmaan Taseer, with whom he has had no contact for the past 15 months — though he hears he is upset by news of his book — has been resurrected in the topsy-turvy world of Pakistani politics.

About six months ago, he became the Punjab governor. It is a ceremonial role, but since the dissolution of the Shahbaz Sharif government in the Punjab, the man wields real power — and controversially.

“The timing of the book is slightly insane,” he said, laughing uncertainly. “I wouldn’t have wished for it. He was just a businessman, and that was good enough for what I had to say. He didn’t need to be the governor of the Punjab.”

Is he prepared to lose the relationship with a book like this, coming especially at a sensitive time? “Whether I wrote the book or not, I am definitely pretty much persona non grata,” he said. But then he added: “My father is a bright, intelligent man, and well read. I hope he understands some day.”

Following is an extract of the book: “I had begun my journey asking why my father was Muslim, and this was why: none of Islam’s once powerful moral imperatives existed within him, but he was Muslim because he doubted the Holocaust, hated America and Israel, thought Hindus were weak and cowardly, and because the glories of the Islamic past excited him.

“The faith decayed within him, ceased to be dynamic, ceased to provide moral guidance, became nothing but a deep, unreachable historical and political identity. This was all that still had the force of faith. It was significant because in the end, this was the moderate Muslim, and it was too little moderation and in the wrong areas. It didn’t matter how someone prayed, how much they prayed, what dress they wore, whether they chose to drink or not, but it did matter that someone harboured feelings of hatred, for Jews, Americans or Hindus, that were founded in faith and only masked in political arguments.”

“I rose to leave the room. It was if a bank had burst. My father and I, for the first time, were beyond embarrassment. I returned a few moments later to say goodbye to him, but he had left for the day without a word. The now empty room produced a corresponding vacancy in me that was like despair. I wanted somehow to feel whole again; not reconciliation, that would be asking too much, just not this feeling of waste: my journey to find my father ending in an empty room in Lahore, the clear light of a bright morning breaking in to land on the criss-crossing arcs of a freshly swabbed floor.

“As the crow flies, the distance between my father and me had never been much, but the land had been marked by history for a unique division, of which I had inherited both broken pieces. My journey to seek out my father, and through him, his country, was a way for me to make my peace with that history. And it had not been without its rewards. My deep connection to the land that is Pakistan had been renewed. I felt lucky to have both countries; I felt that I’d been given what partition had denied many. For me, it meant the possibility of a different education, of embracing the three-tier history of India whole, perhaps an intellectual troika of Sanskrit, Urdu and English.

“These mismatches were the lot of people with garbled histories, but I preferred them to violent purities. The world is richer in its hybrids.

“But then there was the futility of the empty room, rupture on rupture, for which I could find no consolation, except that my father’s existence, so ghostly all my life, had at last acquired a gram of material weight. And, if not for that, who knows what sterile obsessions might still have held me fast/

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The World Beautiful Country Information

The World Beautiful Country Information"
The mountain country of Nepal is predictably stunning. The capital of Kathmandu is possibly the most famous, and has exceptionally distinctive architecture, but the second largest town of Pokhara is the real jaw-dropper as it is looked upon by some of the tallest mountains on earth, in the Annapurna massif.
At the time of this list’s publication, Nepal has been rocked by a devastating earthquake that has claimed the lives of many. Our thoughts are with the people of the beautiful mountain nation.
Australia has 16,000 miles of coastline, boasting some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The Great Barrier Reef is one of the greatest natural wonders in the world, the Island of Tasmania is one of the world’s 10 most beautiful, and Sydney is one of the world’s ten loveliest cities. The Hamersley Mountain range is the second oldest in the world. The Land Down Under is over the top beautiful!
Often overlooked because of neighbouring beauty Thailand, the Philippines is one of the most stunning countries in the world. It’s made up of over 7000 stunning islands in the Pacific Ocean! Palawan in particular has been called the most beautiful island in the world!
Land of trolls and fjords, Norway is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. While fjords such as Geiranger, Nærøyfjord and Sognefjord dominate the mental images of this Scandinavian gem, the Lofoten Islands are debatably its visual highlight. If you’re surprised by the Northern Lights while taking in these stunning sights, your mind may just start playing some Edvard Hagerup Grieg in spontaneous celebration!Land of trolls and fjords, Norway is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. While fjords such as Geiranger, Nærøyfjord and Sognefjord dominate the mental images of this Scandinavian gem, the Lofoten Islands are debatably its visual highlight. If you’re surprised by the Northern Lights while taking in these stunning sights, your mind may just start playing some Edvard Hagerup Grieg in spontaneous celebration!Land of trolls and fjords, Norway is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. While fjords such as Geiranger, Nærøyfjord and Sognefjord dominate the mental images of this Scandinavian gem, the Lofoten Islands are debatably its visual highlight. If you’re surprised by the Northern Lights while taking in these stunning sights, your mind may just start playing some Edvard Hagerup Grieg in spontaneous celebration!
The world’s most biodiverse country is also its fifth largest. Within such a massive area, it is unsurprising that there are scenic highlights. Foremost is undoubtedly the unparalleled Amazon Rainforest and Amazon River. The Rain Forest is by far the largest on earth, and would be the sixth largest country in the world were it independent. The Pantanal is one of the best wildlife destinations in the world, the Iguazu falls named the second most amazing waterfall in the world, and Rio de Janeiro has been named the second most beautiful city in the world.
Chile spans almost from the equator to the sub Antarctic, making it the longest contiguous country in the world as measured by latitude. Crammed into the almost 40 latitude degrees are some of the world’s most beautiful places. Last Hope Fjord is one of the most beautiful in the world, and the Atacama desert is astonishing, partly because it is the driest non-ice desert on Earth. Parque Nacional Torres del Paine is probably the most beautiful of all Chile’s wonders, and is South America’s answer to our own Yosemite.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Underwater Cities in Cuba

Havana, Cuba:
 A team of scientists continues to explore megalithic ruins found in the Yucatan Channel near Cuba. They have found evidence of an extensive urban environment stretching for miles along the ocean shore. Some believe that the civilization that inhabited these predates all known ancient American cultures. So far, only computer models of this mysterious underwater city exist.

North Sea, Europe: A lost natural landscape was found recently under the North Sea, once occupied by human hunter-gatherers over 10,000 years ago. What were once rivers, lakes and oceans are
 now all at the bottom of the sea, only made
 known through digital mapping.
 Scientists theorize that this amazingly
well-preserved landscape was at the heart
of an ancient civilization spread across Europe.

Atlantis, Antarctica? Over a hundred years ago, a museum curator in Istanbul made a remarkable discovery. Examining an ancient map on gazelle skin, he found a location marking a mountain chain where Antarctica is today. This map is, amazingly, one of many pieces of evidence people have used to try and claim that, in fact, Antarctica is the fabled lost continent of Atlantis. Other evidence
includes the recent discovery (via sonar technology) of land under Antarctica as well as the mapping systems used by ancient cartographers, which suggest Atlantis might have been located far from the Mediterranean Sea.

Underwater Cities

A wealth of human history lies submerged in ancient cities at the bottoms of lakes, seas and oceans of the world. Some of these were sent into the water via earthquakes, tsunamis or other disasters thousands of years ago. Many have just recently been rediscovered, by accident or through emergent technological innovations. Some have even caused scientists to question the history of human civilization.

Alexandria, Egypt:
Off the shores of Alexandria, the city of Alexander the Great, lie what are believed to be the ruins of the royal quarters of Cleopatra. It is believed that earthquakes over 1,500 years ago were responsible for casting this into the sea, along with artifacts, statues and other parts of Cleopatra’s palace. The city of Alexandria even plans to offer underwater tours of this wonder.

Bay of Cambay, India: A few years back discovered the remains of a vast 9,500 year old city. This submerged ruin has intact architecture and human remains. More significantly, this find predates all finds in the area by over 5,000 years, forcing historians to reevaluate their understanding of the history of civilazation in the region. The find has been termed Dwarka, or the ‘Golden City,’ after an ancient city-in-the sea said to belong to the Hindu god Krishna.

Kwan Phayao, Thailand: In itself perhaps not unusual, a 500 year old Thai temple sits at the bottom of lake Phayao. What makes this case strange is that the lake was actually made intentionally about 70 years ago, and that there has been recent discussion of potentially restoring the temple at the cost of billions of dollars. However, the ruins serve as a habitat for fish that many have argued should remain untouched.

Yonaguni-Jima, Japan: Discovered by a dive tour guide some twenty years ago, controversies have arisen around a mysterious pyramids found off the coast of Japan. These structures seem to have been carved right out of bedrock in a teraforming process using tools previously thought unavailable to ancient cultures of the region.

Eamazing and Beautiful World Country

Eamazing and Beautiful World Country Information
Home to stunning places like Rajasthan and Goa, India has everything from tropical beaches to the glacier capped Himalayas. From the town of Varanasi, to the great monument of love which is the Taj Mahal, to possibly the finest wildlife offered outside of Africa, the diversity, colors and frequent chaos of this nation can be overwhelming. Despite that, it undeniably has many of the most stunning places on planet Earth.

Home to stunning places like Rajasthan and Goa, India has everything from tropical beaches to the glacier capped Himalayas. From the town of Varanasi, to the great monument of love which is the Taj Mahal, to possibly the finest wildlife offered outside of Africa, the diversity, colors and frequent chaos of this nation can be overwhelming. Despite that, it undeniably has many of the most stunning places on planet Earth.

Europe’s mountain nation encompasses probably the very most beautiful parts of the Alps. The Matterhorn is listed number two on the most incredible mountains in the world list, and the Bernese Oberland makes up some of the most beautiful highlands on earth. The country has earned it’s cliché for near-perfection, as it is amongst the cleanest on earth. Wandering through the streets of some of the most beautiful towns and villages in the world, like Lugano and Luzern, one feels it would be possible to eat off the streets themselves!

The Canadian Rockies are justifiably famous as amongst the most beautiful in the world. The stunning view of the Twelve Apostles from Moraine Lake in Banff National Park is one of the most beautiful in the world, Vancouver is one of the world’s loveliest cities, the Baffin island mountains are known by few but are totally unmissable travel highlights, the country has the longest coastline in the world, and as featured in a recent list the mind bending Sam Ford Fjord is seen by some as the world’s most impressive fjord on planet earth! And you thought they only had Bieber?

Land of the Maasai Mara and image of wild Africa. The country has been rated in the top 3 wildlife countries on Earth, and Mount Kenya is the second tallest mountain on the continent. The spectacle of the great migration is one of the greatest in the world, and the views of Kilimanjaro from Amboseli National Park are ironically probably better than from Tanzania itself, in which the great mountain is situated!

University life?

how to make the most of extra-curricular opportunities
University is not just about studying and relaxing in the pub, but also learning how to seize opportunities when they arise - a valuable lesson that will prepare students well for later life
Matthew Draycott is not planning to mince his words. When the new undergraduates arrive for an induction-week pep talk on making the most of their time at Glyndwr University this September, the Enterprise Associate at the university’s Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning plans to give them both barrels.
“If you spend your time in the pub for three years, then it doesn’t matter if you get a 2:1. Your degree is no longer the only thing you need to leave university with. You need a set of practical experiences that will give you a competitive edge,” he says, sipping coffee in the North Wales university café.
The department where Draycott works aims to teach students about enterprise, making them more employable and inspiring many to start their own business. “The trend is for students to come to us earlier,” he adds. “We have seen a big increase in numbers of first years, especially from IT courses, in recent years.”
Of course, developing interests outside of your course is nothing new. From playing for a university sports team to chairing the debating society, one of the best aspects of undergraduate life has always been the chance for students to broaden their horizons. But with graduate unemployment currently at its highest level in over a decade, savvy students are increasingly realising that getting a job is not just about good grades, it’s about making the most of those extra-curricular activities.
“Students now view the university experience as something that leads to work. While students are often under increasing time pressure,
many having to work part-time to fund their studies, extra-curricular activities are now a big part of their thought process,” says Ed Marsh, National Union of Students (NUS) vice president for union development.
So you want to get involved. But what are the best options for you? Marsh says that, while traditional sports, politics and societies remain popular, he sees more students doing community outreach work, especially at inner-city universities with more diverse students populations. During his own undergraduate days at the University of Hull, he volunteered with local schools and nursing homes for the elderly.
Another growth area is student enterprise with students looking to use new skills from their course before they actually graduate. For the aspiring Alan Sugars and Richard Bransons, it’s a natural progression towards social enterprise. Hushpreet Dhaliwal, chief executive of the National Consortium of University Entrepreneurs (NACUE), says: “We can’t be a complacent generation. It’s about being the cause, not the effect.
“Many students arrive at university not knowing what they want to do in life. You have to expose yourself to all aspects of university life, create your own personal value and build networks from the start,” she adds.
Student-led NACUE is behind more than 70 university enterprise societies across the UK and supports more than 85 universities to stimulate student businesses. It recently advised on an Apprentice-style competition, led by students from King’s College London Business Club working with eOffice.
Dhaliwal advocates the stragegic of use of websites such as Twitter and LinkedIn. “Social networking helps to build awareness among the wider student enterprise community. It offers a fast and efficient means for students expose themselves to new opportunities in career development,” she says.
But perhaps the smartest students of all are the ones seeing the global picture. University courses in modern languages traditionally include a year of study or work experience overseas as a mandatory third year off campus. But recent research by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) estimates some 22,000 UK students are currently studying in other countries.

Maastricht University in the Netherlands is fast becoming a hotspot for school leavers turning their backs on the British university system for its winning combination of lower course fees and grants available from the Dutch government if undergraduates work 32 hours a week while they study. Maastricht University has been sending representatives to sixth-form careers days over the past year and is installing a fast-track admissions scheme for prospective UK students this summer.
Ed Mash of the NUS says: “We’re competing in a global market and the costs of courses at British universities are now higher than ever. Having an international perspective gives real value to the individual.”
Back at the coffee bar, Matthew Draycott is finishing his latte and checking his Twitter account, his favourite way these days of engaging with students and communicating to them the latest news from the student entrepreneurship sector..

Best Estimate of Your College Costs

How to Get the Best Estimate of Your College Costs

Did you know that colleges with higher sticker prices sometimes offer more financial aid? Or that colleges differ in the types of aid they offer? Below are a few tips that will help you estimate the real amount you’ll have to pay to attend the colleges you’re considering.

You can search for colleges by average net price and by the average percent of financial need colleges meet.
Focus on Net Price

Your net price for a college is the published price for tuition and fees minus your gift aid and education tax benefits. Gift aid includes grants and scholarships but not loans or money earned through a work-study job. Getting your estimated net price is the best way to get an early answer to the question of how much a college will really cost you. Learn more about net price.

Cost Figures to Know for Your College Search

Your personalized estimated net price is the best indicator of what a particular college will cost you. But if you’re just beginning your college search, the types of figures listed below can help you decide if you want to get more information on a college or use its net price calculator.

Average Net Price
The average net price of a college is what the student really pays to go to that college. The U.S. Department of Education defines average net price as the cost of attending a college (for an in-state student who lives on campus) minus the average amount of gift aid that a student at that school receives from the college and the government.

A college you’re interested in might have a published price of $23,410. But its average net price might be only $17,300 — which includes room and board and other costs. That’s a big difference.

Average Percent of Need Met
Most colleges are not able to cover 100 percent of a student’s demonstrated financial need. You can get an idea of how much aid a college might award you and your family by checking to see what it has typically awarded other students in the past.

For example, if your family has demonstrated need of $10,000, and the college you are interested in has an average percent of need met of 75 percent, then your financial aid award (for one academic year) from this college might be about $7,500..

Average Percent of Gift Aid
Different colleges have different ways of awarding their financial aid packages. The final award is generally divided into a combination of scholarships and grants, work-study jobs and loans. Only scholarships and grants are considered gift aid..

If a college awards you a financial aid package of $7,500, and the average percent of gift aid is 50 percent, then you can expect your award to include approximately $3,750 in grants and scholarships. The rest of the award would likely be a combination of loans and work-study earnings...